Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth!

View of the Ohio River looking southeast from Eden Park in Cincinnati.

Brick Row Houses on Mt. Adams hill which is immediately above
the Ohio River and downtown Cincinnati.

Already I'm off to a great start!  I wanted to post two watercolors paintings from Cincinnati, OH before I turned in for the night.  There will be more to come from my first two stays in Pittsburgh, PA and Cincinnati, OH but for now, here's what I did today while everyone else was out of town.


  1. So cool for we Nor'easterners to see that Ohio River, isn't it? I loved your romantic take on it with the barge floating down. I can feel the slow summer pace, rather Mark Twainish. You surprised us w the view of Mt. Adams as we were talking about your trip at dinner, pizza on the grill-first time experiment, and imagining you would paint from the top looking down. So much fun to see your view looking up, since we walked that same path Matthew told you. I liked the Mt. Adams painting a lot. Neat area, isn't it. Not what we Yanks expect to find in Cincinnati, which is why travel is so educational about our bigger world, but also about our own assumptions and essentially ourselves. Have a great journey. So happy for you. M.A.

  2. TEEK
    These are so beautiful - we feel like we are there! Can't wait to see and hear more of your journey. We love you and wish you the best!
    Bill & Joan
